Everyone knows about the difficulties that face dyslexic students. There’s the long homework nights, the backwards spelling, and the slow reading and processing. But for all the seeming trouble, scientific evidence has proven that people with dyslexia are gifted and more intelligent than those without learning challenges. According to a 2017 article in Education magazine, these gifts of dyslexia are often overlooked by the medical community. Fortunately, there are many educators today that are trying to change negative perceptions.
For example, Ron Davis of Davis Dyslexic International, lists several positive traits of dyslexic learners. He believes that they all have certain talents that are shared by many famous, genius-level dyslexics. These are:
Our experiences with students at Integrative Learning reflect this understanding. By creating a positive environment for these traits to flourish, our students become confident and unafraid to share their gifts with the world. In sharing gifts with the world, we are including our final list of famous dyslexic achievers. Today’s blog focuses on 7 famous scientists. Some people know Albert Einstein as the world’s most famous scientist. But did you know there are 7 more that deserve a special place in history?
6/27/2024 11:28:07 pm
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